The .NET 3.5 is so powerful, you rarely need to use hardcoded strings now. But in ASP.NET MVC you still have to.
The sample that annoys me:
1: public ActionResult LogIn(string username, string password) {
2: var user = EcoSpace.Query("User.allInstances->select(Username = un)")
3: .WithConstant("un", username)
4: .FromPersistence()
5: .AsList<User>()
6: .FirstOrDefault();
8: if (user == null || !user.CheckPassword(password)) {
9: // Error
10: return View("Index");
11: } else {
12: // Ok.
13: return RedirectToAction("Index", "UserSummary")
14: }
See the lines 10 and 13. That's it. Hardcoded View name and Controller name.
I added an overload for RedirectToAction and it line 13 has changed to:
return RedirectToAction<UserSummaryController>(s => s.Index());
Ahh! Sweet.
Not sure yet what I can do with View method.
Here is the code snippet for RenderToAction:
1: public RedirectToRouteResult RedirectToAction<TController>(Expression<Action<TController>> exp) where TController : Controller {
2: MethodCallExpression mce = exp.Body as MethodCallExpression;
3: if (mce == null)
4: throw new InvalidOperationException("Expression should represent a method call.");
5: var controllerName = mce.Object.Type.Name;
6: controllerName = controllerName.Substring(0, controllerName.Length - 10); // This is how it's done in ASP.NET :)
8: RouteValueDictionary values = null; // Not supported yet
9: return RedirectToAction(mce.Method.Name, controllerName, values);
10: }