One of the most interesting videos I watched from the Scottish RubyConf 2010 is Unix: Rediscovering the wheel. If you use Ruby/Rails and POSIX systems you gotta know those things. This is just a quick list of notes to keep it mind. So you will have to Google if something catches your attention.
Scheduling tasks with Cron
- define all tasks in cron
- don't make Ruby do scheduling
Background processing with ATD daemon
echo "convert image.jpg image.png" | batch
Logging with syslog
- don't use rails log
Resource limiting with rlimit
ulimit -v 102400
ruby -e "' ' * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 *1"
failed to allocate memory (NoMemoryError)
CPU and Disk IO priorities
nice -n 19 rake xapian:update # run rake with priority 19
ionice -c3 rake xapian:update # same for disk IO
Atomic renames
- don't use locks
- write to temp then rename
Secure self-cleaning temporary files
- create temp fie
- delete it while holding it open
- write/read securely
Page cache expiry with find
find public/cache -type f --mmin +10 -delete # del all files 10 mins old in a "transaction"
Log rotation with logrotate
- Rails sucks at it, use time proven and tested UNIX
Managing daemons with start-stop-daemon
- don't reinvent the wheel starting/stoping daemons (mogrels etc)
start-stop-daemon -d $railsdir -b -o -p $pidfile --start --starts rake xapian:update
- run cron tasks using start-stop-daemon to avoid race condition (it will exit if process already runs)
Real time signals
use it in ruby:
trap("USR1") { reopen_xapian_db }
Raliable messaging with... SMTP!
Due to atomic and reliable delivery it can be use as a message queue.
Can replace RabbitHQ etc
UNIX based Messaging system
Self-organising systems with AVAHI
Modularised config files
Watchdog daemon